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Golden age of Islam: A Look Back


The Golden Age of Islam was a time of great intellectual and spiritual progress for Muslims. Muslims enjoyed a period of prosperity and peace. They were able to build great mosques and Islamic schools. They also enjoyed a period of social and political stability.

golden age of islam

In the 12th century, Muslims began to experience a period of religious and spiritual revival. This period of religious and spiritual progress led to the revival of Islam in the 13th century. This period ( Goldern age of islam )  of religious and spiritual progress led to the spread of Islam and the establishment of a strong Muslim Empire. 


After the passing of Muhammad (PBUH), Arab leaders were called caliphs. Caliphs assembled and built Baghdad as the center point of the Abbasid Caliphate. 

Baghdad was midway situated among Europe and Asia and was a significant region for exchange and trades of thoughts. 

Researchers living in Baghdad interpreted Greek texts and made logical revelations — which is the reason this time, from the seventh to thirteenth hundreds of years CE, is named the Golden Age of Islam.

A love of knowledge was established in Baghdad, established in 762 CE as the capital city of the Abbasid Caliphate in modern-day Iraq. Scholars, philosophers, doctors, and other thinkers all gathered in this center of trade and cultural development.. Academics—many of them fluent in Greek and Arabic—exchanged ideas and translated Greek texts into Arabic.

Chief Muslim leaders after Muhammad’s death were referred to as Caliphs.The era of the Abbasid Caliphs’ construction and rule of Baghdad is known as the Golden Age of Islam. It was an era when scholarship thrived.

Abbasid Caliphate

The Abbasid Caliphate was a polity founded by the Abbasid dynasty in 762 AD. At its height, the Abbasid Caliphate covered an area of present-day Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. The dynasty was founded by the Muslim convert Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who served as the first caliph after the death of his father, Umar ibn al-Khattab. The Abbasid caliphate was founded on the premise that Islam should be the only religion in the world and that Muslims must unite against all other religions. The Abbasid caliphate was founded on the Islamic calendar, which allowed for a single year of hijrah, or migration, to Islam from the polytheistic Umayyad caliphate. The Abbasid dynasty was eventually replaced by the Ottoman Caliphate. 

BaghdadA map of the city of Baghdad. The city center is round with the river Tigris running through the outskirts on the eastern side of the city.

A Map of the city of Baghdad. The downtown area is round with the stream Tigris going through the edges on the eastern side of the city.

The heads of the Abbasid Dynasty assembled Baghdad, the capital of current Iraq. Baghdad would come to supplant and eclipse Damascus as the capital city of the realm. It was situated close to both the Tigris and Euphrates streams, making it an ideal spot for food creation that could support a huge populace. The Abbasids assembled Baghdad without any preparation while keeping up with the organization of streets and shipping lanes the Persians had laid out before the Umayyad Dynasty dominated. Baghdad was decisively situated among Asia and Europe, which made it an excellent spot on overland shipping lanes between the two mainland's. A portion of the merchandise being exchanged through Baghdad were ivory, cleanser, honey, and precious stones. Individuals in Baghdad made and traded silk, glass, tiles, and paper. The focal area and energetic exchange culture of the city made an exuberant trade of thoughts conceivable also. 

A map of the extent of the Abbasid Dynasty from 750 to 1258. Extent of Abbasid dynasty is shown in red and covers most of the modern-day Middle East and North Africa.

A map of the extent of the Abbasid Dynasty from 750 to 1258. 

Baghdad pulled in many individuals, including researchers, to live inside its nation. To get a feeling of what living in the recently developed city was like, here's a passage from the works of Arab student of history and biographer, Yakut al-Hamawi, portraying Baghdad in the 10th 100 years: The city of Baghdad shaped two immense semi-circles on the right and left banks of the Tigris, twelve miles in breadth. The various rural areas, covered with parks, nurseries, manors, and lovely promenades, and amply provided with rich marketplaces, and finally assembled mosques and showers, extended for a significant distance on the two sides of the waterway. In the times of its flourishing the number of inhabitants in Baghdad and its rural areas added up to north of two [million]! The castle of the Caliph remained amidst a huge park a few hours in perimeter, which next to a zoological display and aviary involved a nook for wild creatures saved for the pursuit. The castle grounds were spread out with gardens and decorated with stunning taste with plants, blossoms, and trees, supplies and wellsprings, encompassed by etched figures. On this side of the stream stood the royal residences of the extraordinary aristocrats. Colossal roads, none under forty cubits wide, navigated the city from one finish to the next, isolating it into squares or quarters, each heavily influenced by a manager or boss, who took care of the tidiness, sterilization and the solace of the occupants.


Medication was a focal piece of archaic Islamic culture. Answering conditions of general setting, Islamic doctors and researchers fostered an enormous and complex clinical writing investigating and orchestrating the hypothesis and practice of medication. Islamic medication was based on custom, primarily the hypothetical and useful information created in India, Greece, Persia, and Rome. Islamic researchers deciphered their works from Syriac, Greek, and Sanskrit into Arabic and afterward delivered new clinical information in view of those texts. To make the Greek custom more open, justifiable, and workable, Islamic researchers coordinated the Greco-Roman clinical information into reference books. 

 An Arabic original copy, dated 1200 CE 

The eye, according to Hunain ibn Ishaq. Scholars developed large encyclopedias of medical knowledge during the Islamic Golden Age, such as this one from an ORIGINAL SCRIPT  dated  1200 CE.


Scholler's  living in Baghdad during the Abbasid Caliphate added to the safeguarding of Greek and other existing information about way of thinking, space science, medication, and numerous different disciplines. As well as saving data, these researchers contributed new bits of knowledge in their fields and at last gave their disclosures to Europe. 




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