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Eid - UL - FITR : What to do on Eid ul Fitr?

Eid - UL - FITR

Eid ul Fitr is a religious holiday celebrated By the muslims all around  the world. It marks the end of the month of Ramadan, which is the holiest month in Islam. Muslims fast from dawn to dusk during this time and prayer is central to the holiday.


 Muslims celebrate Eid ul Fitr by eating and drinking, by wearing new clothes, and praying.

Many people also celebrate Eid ul Fitr by giving back to the community. They may give away money, clothes,etc.

What to do on Eid - ul - Fitr? 

1. Wear New Clothes 

Wear the new clothes you get, if any (or the best clothes you have), to perform the eid prayer. You should also apply عطر (perfume) before performing EID-UL-FITR prayer

2. Go for prayer 

Eid ul fitr

Perform the Eid prayer. Once everyone has gathered in the  mosque or outdoor gathering spot on the first day of Eid, there's a short sermon, typically given by an imam, and then all perform the obligatory Eid prayer.

  • Follow the imam's movements as he performs two rakats and six takbirs.

3. Visite relatives 

Another significant thing that you ought to do to observe Eid is visit companions, family, and neighbors. Welcome them with salaam, wish them 'Eid Mubarak', and offer the delight of this favorable day with them. This makes a connection among families and networks. Something to recall for Eid day is to make a point to visit the people who are sick and the older

Visit relatives and offer them greetings for the Eid. When you visit their homes, give relatives new clothes or sweets, and in return they should offer you food that they prepared for the Eid.

4. Give gifts 

While gifts can be exchanged among all family members, they are most often given to children. In Asian countries, elders give eidi (money) to children as a show of goodwill.

  • Other popular gifts to give children are new clothes, special Eid outfits, and toys.

5. Distribute food among poor peoples 

Helping poor people is such a great job it gives satisfaction to our heart. On the eid day helping those people who can't afford clothes you can help them by providing clothes. They don't eat  all three meals on normal days. On this special day you can provide food for such types of people.

6. spend time with family 

Spending time with family is such a great feeling. On Eid day you can spend time with family by sitting together performing recitation of the Quran, eating together, and all that stuff. 

Give and take blessings

Eid ul fitr


The Prophet Muhammad (PHUB ) said,: “Give gifts to one another, you will love each other”

(Hadith, Al Mufrad).

When Eid ul fitr 2022?

Islamic year

Umm al-Qura



3 May 2022


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