THE GOLDEN AGE OF ISLAM The Golden Age of Islam was a time of great intellectual and spiritual progress for Muslims. Muslims enjoyed a period of prosperity and peace. They were able to build great mosques and Islamic schools. They also enjoyed a period of social and political stability. In the 12th century, Muslims began to experience a period of religious and spiritual revival. This period of religious and spiritual progress led to the revival of Islam in the 13th century. This period ( Goldern age of islam ) of religious and spiritual progress led to the spread of Islam and the establishment of a strong Muslim Empire. Outline After the passing of Muhammad (PBUH), Arab leaders were called caliphs. Caliphs assembled and built Baghdad as the center point of the Abbasid Caliphate. Baghdad was midway situated among Europe and Asia and was a significant region for exchange and trades of thoughts. Researchers living in Baghdad interpreted Greek texts and made ...
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